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- 10.00 Luftledningsmateriel og master
- 11.00 Kabelskabe
- 12.00 Kapslings- og tavlemateriel
- 13.00 Forskruningsmateriel
- 16.00 Målerrammer og gruppeafsætninger
- 17.00 Afbryder- og stikdåsemateriel
- 18.00 Industrimateriel
- 19.00 Jordings- og potentialudligningsmateriel
- 21.00 Forgreningsmateriel
- 22.00 Automatiske afbrydere/koblingsmateriel
- 23.00 Tids- og funktionsrelæer
- 24.00 Styrings- og funktionskomponenter
- 25.00 Sikringer
- 26.00 Intelligente bygningsinstallationer
- 27.00 Opmærkningsmateriel
- 28.00 Stikpropper og forlængerled
- 29.00 Højspændingsmateriel
- 30.00 Rør
- 32.00 Ledninger, stærkstrøm
- 35.00 Svagstrømskabler
- 36.00 Kabelkanaler og -lister
- 39.00 Befæstelsesmateriel
- 50.00 Glødelamper
- 60.00 Motorer, pumper, spændingsregulering og -overvågning m.m
- 61.00 Køl
- 62.00 Transformere
- 63.00 Strømforsyninger
- 67.00 Lysdæmpere og lysreguleringsudstyr
- 68.00 Materiel for transientbeskyttelse
- 78.00 Apparater for rumklima
- 82.00 Tele- og kommunikations- anlæg
- 84.00 Optiske transmissions- systemer
- 85.00 Overvågnings- og alarmanlæg
- 86.00 Data-installationsmateriel (ekskl. kabler)
- 87.00 Antenneanlæg
- 89.00 Elektroniksystemer
- 91.00 Elektronikkomponenter (passive)
- 92.00 Diverse komponenter, svagstrøm
- 94.00 Elementer, lygter og akkumulatorer
- 97.00 Værktøj
- 98.00 Instrumenter
- 99.00 Andre varer
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CAN-CR100, 2 ports, screw terminals, no CAN-termin

sch-product-heading-ean | 5703472537009 |
sch-product-heading-type | 1.01.0210.20200 |
Supplier | HMS |
sch-product-heading-productno | |
sch-product-heading-provideproduct | sch-product-provide-article-s |
sch-product-heading-instock | ![]() |
Arrival time (days) | 8 |
sch-product-heading-sales-packaging-size | 1 |
sch-product-heading-minimumsale | 1 |
sch-product-heading-unit | Stk |
CAN / CAN FD repeater with screw terminals
The CAN-CR100 is used for galvanic isolation of two segments of a CAN / CAN FD network. As a special feature, the repeater separates a defective segment from the rest of the network, allowing the remaining network to continue working. After the fault has been eliminated, the segment is automatically switched back to the network....
The CAN-CR100 is used for galvanic isolation of two segments of a CAN / CAN FD network. As a special feature, the repeater separates a defective segment from the rest of the network, allowing the remaining network to continue working. After the fault has been eliminated, the segment is automatically switched back to the network....